The Company and management recognise that the health and safety of all workers and third parties is of vital importance and is key to a successful business.
We aim to continuously maintain and improve the work environment to ensure that it is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe for all workers and third parties and without risk to their health. The Company will endeavour to continuously improve health and safety in the workplace through consultation, the adoption and improvement of safe work practices, as well as increasing the awareness of health and safety obligations for management and all other workers.
Tracee Rowe
On behalf of Konnexus Pty Ltd
01 Jan 2024
Review date: 31 Jan 2025
WHS obligations
The Company aims to:
Managers, employees and other workers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of themselves and others at work.
Specifically, managers, supervisors and other similar position holders are also required to:
As an employee or other worker, your obligations are as follows:
If a person is not a worker, but attends the Company’s premises, they must:
All employees, other staff and visitors to the Company must comply with this policy. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary steps being taken including termination and may expose you and the Company to prosecution.
As per your duties as a worker, all accidents, incidents, injuries and ‘near misses’, whether they occur at work or while travelling to and from work, must be reported immediately to your manager, or if that person is not available, to another person with management responsibilities.
In addition:
Reported incidents or hazards will be investigated by the Company promptly. We will identify the causes and assess any hazards that need to be controlled. Management will discuss the incident with you or any relevant workers to decide on suitable controls needed to eliminate or mitigate any risks in place.
The Company has processes in place to identify, assess and control workplace hazards along with measures to review those controls.
If a potential hazard is identified, the manager or worker should report the hazard or risk as soon as possible, regardless of how minor it may seem. Once identified, the severity of the hazard will be assessed and appropriate control measures will be implemented to eliminate or mitigate the hazard. The implemented control measures will be reviewed for effectiveness, and adjusted if necessary.
The Company and management will ensure that employees are familiar with the evacuation procedures and the location of any emergency exits
In the event of an emergency that may impact the Company’s premises or the safety of workers, appropriate instructions will be provided.
If an evacuation is announced, workers should leave the building immediately via the nearest emergency exit to the nearest evacuation assembly point, in accordance with the premises’ evacuation plan. At all times you should remain calm and do not run, panic or take any belongings with you while evacuating.
Konnexus was established to provide recruitment solutions for the Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, AI, Machine Learning & Project Services markets across Australia.
© 2022 Konnexus
At Konnexus, we deal with professionals every day, most of whom have had the privilege of education that has allowed them to pursue careers in the corporate world. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to have an education to help support their families and communities and to give them a bright future. Our support of The Smith Family, the Cambodian Children’s Fund and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation are all charities who have a belief that education is the path to the creation of better futures.