Why is Onboarding so important?

You have spent all this time interviewing and identifying the best talent for your position. It is now day 1 and the manager is not there to meet them, and the laptop has not arrived. Will they stay? What impression has this left? Talent is at the core, the heart, of an organisation. Making a […]
Losing talent before you can even offer them a role? Is it your interview process?

You are looking for a Data Engineer in a market that is presenting multiple opportunities to those with this experience. How can your interview process allow you to hire them, ahead of your competition? Your interview process can help or hinder you in hiring the talent that you want so perhaps consider the following: – […]
Hiring for new Talent, what about your current Talent?

We are currently experiencing unprecedent demand within the technology industry with organisations find it difficult to identify and hire talent as well as their own talent being approached with multiple opportunities every day. For this reason, along, organisations need to look carefully at how they are managing and retaining the talent they already have! Should […]