Happy People Perform Better

Original post by Rina Gami on LinkedIn Working in the data analytics space means I’m constantly surrounded by numbers. In fact, in today’s world in general, it feels like we’re often trying to break everything down into a statistic. What percentage of Australians are planning to look for a new job this year? How many […]

Is the Great Resignation Happening in Australia?

The Great Resignation. It almost does feel as though it should be capitalised in that way, so much has it become a rather grand-sounding phrase. But the idea behind the term “the great resignation” isn’t necessarily one of grandeur. The phrase itself was coined over in the United States of America, following a huge number […]

Are Hybrid Workforces the Next Big Disruption?

Some cite the workplace as the area which has been disrupted in the biggest way since the pandemic began. What feels like years ago was in fact only late 2019, back when we first started hearing rumours of a virus spreading across continents and around the planet. This was followed shortly by worldwide closures in […]

Who Should Own Employer Branding – HR or Marketing?

It’s a true battle of the ages. For years upon years, HR teams (and recruiters) have been selling the story of their employer, of the amazing organisation that you should want to join. How we’re leveraging the market to stay current; why you should work for us, and not our competition. And the thread which […]